Website Manager

Eddie Mindieta Jr
Region Director
[email protected]

Nicole Soliz-Olveda
[email protected]

Eric Holcomb
[email protected]

Welcome Back





News from the Region Director

Softball All Star Information:

Mandatory Coaches meeting will be on 5/30 @7pm. 
Location is the Ascension Texas Administration Offices, 1345 Philomena St., Austin, TX 78723.

*will need either head coach, assistant coach, or a league official to attend.  We will go over items for All Stars and answer any questions.    
6/1   - 6/3         Director's Tournament @ Hays Youth Baseball and Softball Association
6/14 - 6/16    Section Tournament @ Central Austin Youth League
6/28 - 6/30    Region Tournament @ Hays Youth Baseball Softball Association
7/9 - 7/13       World Series @ Youngsville, LA            World Series  Fact Sheet 

Basic information:
Selection of Players: Tournament teams may be selected by any manner desired by the league from among legal players who have participated in at least 1/2 of their teams games during league competition.
      *Note when choosing an All Star team, only leagues with 3 or less teams per age division will be allowed to select players from those interlocking
Number of Teams that a League May Enter: Each league may enter as many teams as desired in tournament play conducted by PONY Girls Softball but must indicate the number of teams it will enter on the Membership application.
Deadline to Register: All leagues desiring to enter tournament competition must send to the Zone Director, not later than June 1, a completed tournament application form and a check for the tournament entry fee for each tournament team.        
All Star Registration Fee: $225 per team (this covers your entry to Section, Region, and World Series (if you choose to go))
                                                          *Directors Tournament is a separate tournament and registration fee is not included in the $225.   
Directors Tournament Sign up form   click here
Gate Fee: Directors Tournament @ $10 per individual over the age of 10
                       Section Tournament @ $125
                       Region Tournament @ TBD
Tournament Format:
2 pool games, seated single elimination bracket 
Game Time Limits: 6u-8u: 1 hr pool (finish the batter)/ 1 hr bracket (finish the inning if the home team is losing by less than 5 runs)
                                          10u-14u: 1 hr pool(finish the batter)/ 1 hr 15 min bracket (finish the inning if the home team is losing)   
Run Limits: 6u - 5 runs per inning both pool and bracket, max 6 innings (unless a tie in bracket game)
                          8u - 5 runs per inning both pool and bracket, max 6 innings (unless a tie in bracket game)
                       10u - Pool games 5 runs per innings/ Bracket games no limit, max 6 innings (unless a tie)
                       12u - Pool games 5 runs per innings/ Bracket games no limit, max 7 innings (unless a tie)
                       14u - Pool games 5 runs per innings/ Bracket games no limit, max 7 innings (unless a tie)
Pay at the Plate: 6u-8u: All games $40 per game per umpire (each team will pay for 1 umpire each game)
                                     10u - 14u: $40 for pool games  (each team will pay for 1 umpire each game)
                                                             $45 for bracket games (each team will pay for 1 umpire each game)
Softballs: All teams are required to provide 2 useable softballs (each ball must have the Pony logo factory stamped on it) each game (umpires will
                      have final decision if the ball is  useable)
                      * You can order these from BSN, Academy, or Dicks Sporting goods
Standings:  Bracket standings are determined by pool game win-loss record in the following order:
                           Over All Record
Head to Head Record
Runs Given Up
Runs Scored  
*Pool games can end in ties, bracket games will be played until a winner is declared. 
                      *Tied bracket games will use ITB, each inning will start with the player who is scheduled to bat last in the respective half of the inning being
                        placed on second base.  

Run Rule: 12 runs after 3 complete innings
                        10 runs after 4 complete innings
                           8 runs after 5 complete innings

* For pool games teams will flip for home or visitor, for bracket games the highest seeded team will be home to include the championship game.
* Home team will provide an official scorekeeper for each game. 
We will use the app tourney machine to track all game scores, placing, and brackets.  You can download the app from the android store or apple
    store.  The app allows for teams to see real time scores, placings, and bracket results.
* A
ll updates will be given on Facebook and on the app. This includes any delays. Please make sure you sign up for notifications on the app to receive text notifications.  
* All walk up music must stop when the batter enters the batter's box   
* No outside food or drink is allowed

Tournament Affidavit Book: Booked must be signed off by prior to the start of the Section tournament. All teams must have a minimum of 12 players on the roster. 

Tournament Book Layout: All items need to be in a plastic page protector in a three ring binder in correct layout 

Layout as follows:
Front Cover: Team name and age group
1st page: Team Photo
2nd page:  A copy of the league's insurance
3rd page: Affidavit w/ medical release (medical release is part of the affidavit) (Names on affidavit MUST MATCH the birth certificate EXCATLY)
                      *A Board Member of your league must sign off on your affidavit BEFORE you bring it for Pony to sign off on. 
4th - remaining pages: A readable copy of the players birth certificate and a color picture of the players in the same order as the affidavit.
                                                  *Only 1 player per page.  
                                                 ex: Page 4 - First player on the affidavit w/ color picture
                                                        Page 5 - Second player on the affidavit w/ color picture
                                                        Page 6 - Third player on the affidavit w/ color picture 
                                                        *Note you can use the front and back of one sheet protector if you choose
                                                          Example: Front of page: First player on the affidavit w/ color picture
                                                                                Back of the same page: Second player on the affidavit w/ color picture

*After your affidavit book has been signed off on by a Pony Official, Pony will keep the affidavit, and return the book to the team.  It is the teams responsibility to make the book immediately available in the event a Pony Official needs to inspect it.       

Rec vs Select 

Please click the link to see the letter from the Pony Division Directors regarding what defines a select team
Please click here


2023 Approved Softball Bats

These are the Approved Bats for start of 2023

National Sponsors

PONY Baseball and Softball

1951 PONY Place, P.O. Box 225
Washington, Pennsylvania 15301
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